Thursday, May 3, 2007

elmo backpack

i have so much to talk to everyone about. i am putting pictures up of me playing with my friend Kyler. we went bowling with our parents and i also go play at his house sometimes while mom is in class. he is fun! i was going over the other day so i had to take my elmo backpack. (i actually call him "mo")i put in my fruit snacks, a book and my little einstein dvd. it was so fun and i know that i looked so cute wearing it.soon i will be heading to kindergarten with my little backpack. it has been warm here, so i go out and play on the playground behind my house. it is so fun, i wander so much that my parents always have to chase me. i fell one day and landed in the dirt with my face. YEAH!! that is what being a little boy is all about! hope everyone is good! -BIG

1 comment:

Debbie Bond said...

oh biggie you looked so cute. Grandma and Grandpa want to have you visit so we can take you to our park. We will let you play all day long and you will never have to come inside.!!! Did you know there is a big swimming pool by grandma's house? We will take you swimming every day if you like. Do you have a bathing suit?? If not, Grandma will buy you one. We will also get you lots of toys to play in the pool with. The best part about playing in the pool is you stay clean. No more dirty faces when you are playing in water!!! Do you like popsciles?? We have a lot of them here in Chicago and we will give you one every day (sometime 2) you are here. I started to buy a big supply already. Grandma is very busy practicing for here roll in the Hello Dolly. I wish you could be here to see it, but I don't think you would appreciate the humor the way the adults would - hopefully. I am studying my lines very hard and last night the director told me I had to be very over the top. I just didn't think that was something anybody ever had to tell me!!! I love you and send big kisses.