Friday, May 29, 2009


Dear Mrs. Bond's Class-
I wanted you all to see my dog, her name is Roxy. She is a yellow lab. We rescued her from our local dog shelter. She likes to wrestle with me and follows me around our house.
I had a lot of fun with you all when I came to visit your class. Have a nice day!
Sincerely- Kyle Bond


Debbie Bond said...

Dear Kyle, Thank you so much for the pictures of you and Roxy. You are both very cute. We are so excited to have school almost over. We are all going to have a good summer - we have learned alot this year. Today is Hawaiian Day and everyone is wearing hawaiian clothes. Mrs Bond looks very funny with a grass skirt on. Have a wonderful summer. Mrs. Bond's class.

Debbie Bond said...

Dear Kyle, Thank you so much for the pictures of you and Roxy. You are both very cute. We are so excited to have school almost over. We are all going to have a good summer - we have learned alot this year. Today is Hawaiian Day and everyone is wearing hawaiian clothes. Mrs Bond looks very funny with a grass skirt on. Have a wonderful summer. Mrs. Bond's class.