Monday, April 23, 2007

Courtesy of Grandma Deb

Grandma Deb sent me money to go to Mcdonalds for lunch, my favorite place ever. I got the Chicken Nugget happy meal and it even came with a Ninja Turtle figure I could throw at the little girl at the playground. She kept on trying to climb the slide as I was sliding down. The little b***** (just a little phrase I learned in nursery) Anyways here are some pictures of me playing. Thank you grandma for lunch.


Cortney said...

Kyle when I was your age I learned that type of language from my Aunt Susie. She was a great influence on me.

Michele said...

Glad to see you are taking after your dad, Kyle! McDonalds is one of my favorite places too, their hot fudge sundaes are the best! Well, your future cousin can't wait to meet you, only 5 more months- you will be 2 years old by then- such a big boy!

Susie said...

I'll have you know I never used that type of language. Aunt Marcia is standing right here and she is insisting that she is the one who taught you everything you know. I'll also have you know that Emma NEVER uses that type of language- she may think it, but it never crosses her lips. Of course we all know who uses the mother of all swear words the most- Grandma Deb- just ask her about the elevator incident in Chicago- my ears are still ringing!!

Debbie Bond said...

O.K. before my biggie boy thinks his perfect grandma would ever use bad language, let me just remind you all that the elevator incident was the result of my very exsistance on this planet being threatened. It called for strong words because very few people could have been throught that experience and lived to tell !!!!